Students have the potential to change the world for the glory of God. Our goal is to make disciples who will take the talents God has given them and go into the world, impacting it for the Gospel. It is our desire to encourage the family unit, give students the opportunities to serve and live out their faith, provide a healthy environment for spiritual growth and to be an outlet for any students in our area. If you are or have a student in grades 7-12, come join us!
Sunday Morning
9:15 am - Grow Groups - all grades 7-12th guys and girls meet separately in the student hallway.
10:30 am - Sunday Service - join our church gathering for Sunday morning worship service
Wednesday Night
6:00 pm - Soul’d Out Service - Wednesday night Life Groups feature games, student lead worship, and biblical centered preaching in the Outlet.
For more information please contact the Student Ministry by using the email form below.