On Wednesday evenings, join us for one of our Life Group classes. Dive deep into a book or topical study as you choose a class that interests you most! Get to know new friends and strengthen relationships as we fellowship and learn more about God’s word.


Intentional Parenting - led by Matt & Heather Barnes - Room 223

Intentional Parenting: 10 Ways To Be An Exceptional Parent In A Quick Fix World from Doug & Cathy Fields is a combination book and study guide with 10 doable actions you can implement into your parenting strategy and see immediate results - no matter the age of your children. Instead of performing quick-fixes to resolve immediate problems, you can start dealing with deeper and more important issues.

Marriage According to the Gospels - led by Dwayne & Dolores Moore - Room 229

Learn what the Bible says about marriage and how to strengthen and enrich our marriages.

How to Study the Bible as One Story - led by Vova Gorbenko - Fellowship Hall

How can we develop a systematic method of studying, interpreting, and applying the Scripture for our lives?  We invite you to join us on a journey where together, we will learn how to trace the main plotline of the Bible, discover the coherence of the Biblical narrative, and explore the ways in which the major Biblical events relate to tell one overarching story.

Grief Share - led by Tim Balough - Room 221 Griefshare meets to help those hurting from the devastating effects that the death of a loved one brings. We will begin a new 13 week series of Griefshare starting in Januray. Hope to see you there.

Kids & Students

Manley Kids Pre-School in The Nest

Manley Kids Elementary in The CAC

Manley Students - 5th - 6th Grade in The Crossing

Manley Students - 7th - 12th Grade The Outlet


Revelation Study - led by Elizabeth White & Jeanie Daniels - Room 227

A Bible study geared especially for young ladies that will begin at the end, with the book of the Revelation, where we will understand the times in which we live through the lens of Scripture.

Luke in the Land - led by Pam Balough & Iris Trent - Room 214-216

Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Over 7 sessions, challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, you'll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody.


Balancing Life’s Demands - led by Rusty Connelly - Room 225

In Balancing Life's Demands you will learn how to put "first things first" and find peace in the midst of pressure and adversity.


Praise Team and Band Practice (6-7:15pm) led by Ashby Goldstein. (Worship Center)

Choir Practice (at 6pm) led by Michael Turner. (Choir Room)

If you need help finding a place for you and your family or have a question concerning the classes above please email us using the form below: